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Android Studio Course
Android Studio Course
1 - Introduction to the course (1:31)
2 - Andriod Studio Vs Eclipse for Programming Andriod (1:35)
3 - Installing Andriod Studio and Java (2:14)
4 - an Overview about Andriod Studio (2:04)
5 - Configuring SDK manger in Andriod Studio (3:25)
6 - How to change Theme of Andriod Studio (3:21)
7 - Creating a new Project in Andriod Studio 1 (3:22)
8 - Creating a new Project in Andriod Studio 2 (5:20)
9 - Andriod Studio Overview 1 (7:22)
10 - Andriod Studio Overview 2 (3:50)
11 - Explianing Properties window in Andriod Studio (4:05)
12 How to Solve problem of HAXM installation error on Android Studio (2:19)
13 How to enable intel VT-x vertualization in windows (1:38)
14 How to create new Android Virtual Device (AVD) in Android studio (4:37)
15 How to run Android App in Emulator in Android Studio (3:01)
16 How to Install and Setup Genymotion for Android Studio (5:39)
17 Debugging Apps and Andriod Moniter in Andriod Studio (3:55)
18 Configuring new projects in Android Studio (3:58)
19 Understanding Project Structure of Android in Andriod Studio (5:05)
20 Explianing Android Application Components (4:21)
21 What is an Activity and a Layout in Andriod (4:45)
22 Types of Andriod Layout Xml (4:34)
23 Introduction to xml in andriod (2:45)
24 Xml with button in Andriod Studio (2:27)
25 Views and ViewGroups in Andriod (2:05)
26 Palette Window in Android Studio (3:38)
27 Preview Window in Android Studio (2:31)
28 Designer and Component tree in Android Studio (3:12)
29 Xml attributes in Android (4:07)
30 Android Relative XML Layout in Android Studio (1:50)
31 Xml attributes in Android (4:44)
32 wrap content and fill parent in android (5:02)
33 Android Linear XML Layout in Android Studio (5:10)
34 Android Table XML Layout in Android Studio (3:41)
35 WHat is ID in android and How to use it (4:54)
36 Explaining in Android (7:25)
37 Text Attribute of XML layout in Android (3:58)
38 Waht is String.xml in android (6:35)
39 How to use Strings from Strings.xml (5:59)
40 What is View and ViewGroup in Android (2:17)
41 Differences between view and VIew in android (5:44)
42 What is R class file in Android (3:15)
43 How to create a new layout for an Android project (5:19)
44 Java in Android Studio (3:43)
45 What is an Activity in Android (3:32)
46 What is the java file in Android (2:05)
47 What is the diffrence between of Using Activity VS AppCompatActivity (5:26)
48 What is an onCreate() method in android (3:29)
49 nExplaing onCreate method in Android Studio (5:28)
50 What is Bundle in onCreate Mthod in Android (5:45)
51 What is setContentView and linking Layout in Android (4:56)
52 How to link Layouts with Activities in Android (3:53)
53 Java and Android in Android Studio (2:42)
54 How to create Objects of widgets in Android (4:51)
55 How to use findViewById () method in Android (8:39)
56 Explaining setText () method in android (6:25)
57 What are set methods in Android (6:25)
58 What is an Event in Android and How to handle it (5:41)
59 How to Implement setOnclickLIstiner in android (5:36)
60 How to Handle a Button using setOnClickListiner method (5:08)
61 Android Button onClick Tutorial (7:07)
62 How to use set on Click Listiner in Android (4:44)
63 Android Tutorial-Implementing OnClickListener (6:01)
64 Handling a Button with Inner Classes in Android (5:36)
65 Android Development Tutorial- Button Clicks With onClick XML Attribute (6:00)
66 Using two Methods for Two Button Clicks in Android (4:24)
67 Buttons , TextViews and EditTexts in Android (3:08)
68 What are TextEdits in Android (6:14)
69 How to create a Login form for your Android App (5:42)
70 How to use setText () and getText () methods in Android with EditTexts (5:42)
71 What is a Toast Message in Android (2:16)
72 How to Create a Toast in Android (Android Studio) (5:14)
73 Activity lifecycle - Difference between onCreate() , onStart() and onResume in Android (6:05)
74 How to display a toast Message using a Button in Android Studio (2:57)
75 How to display Toast on Button Click in Android (3:43)
76 How to create Activities and Layouts in Android Studio (3:13)
77 What is mainfest.xml file in android (4:43)
78 Android for Beginner - Using Intent to Open another Activity (5:19)
79 What is Explicit Intent in Android (1:28)
80 How to use one method for three Buttons in Android Studio (5:53)
81 How to get button id from onClick - using getID () method in Android (6:07)
82 Hint Attribute with EditTexts in Android Studio (4:17)
83 InputType Attribute with EditTexts in Android Studio (5:47)
84 How to use toString () and valueOf () methods in Android Studio (7:56)
85 What is Android Drawable Resource (3:08)
86 Importing Drawable Folders & Images in Android Studio (2:53)
87 How to display images in your app using ImageView - Android (4:10)
88 ScaleType Attribute in Android Studio - puting images in center (4:10)
89 How to use array in Android Stuio (3:40)
90 How to use setImageResource () method in Android Studio (5:52)
91 Android Studio Tutorial - Working with Linear Layout XML (6:06)
92 Android layout gravity attribute in Android Studio (5:05)
93 Android gravity attribute in Android Studio (3:28)
94 Difference between gravity and layout gravity in Android Studio (1:35)
95 Android User Interface - layout margin in Android Studio (3:43)
96 Android User Interface - Padding in Android Studio (2:35)
97 Android Padding vs. Margin in Android Studio (2:08)
98 Android Layout Weight (3:38)
99 Android Tutorial - weightSum and layout weight (2:08)
100 Android colors xml file in Android Studio (4:50)
101 what is the Resources class in Android Studio (3:19)
102 How to use getString () method in android Studio (3:16)
103 How to Use String Array in Adroid Studio (2:12)
104 How to use getStringArray () method in Android Studio (1:05)
105 How to use getColor () method in Android Studio (1:59)
106 What is a Resources Class in Android Studio (1:30)
107 Intent with activities, broadcastreceivers, contenet Providers and services (1:43)
108 What is Explicit Intent in Android (4:39)
109 Intents, Intent Filters and Actions in Android Studio (5:05)
110 What does category in the Intent Filters mean (2:07)
111 Android Intent with Actions (3:08)
112 addCategory () method in Android Studio (5:22)
113 What is an Implicit Intenet in Android Studio (2:51)
114 Android Intent Standard Actions (2:39)
115 setAction () method in Android Studio (2:39)
116 Intent Action View in Android Studio (3:02)
117 How to open URI _ Websites in Android Studio using Intent (4:34)
118 How to open Google Maps using Intent In Android Studio (1:38)
119 Making phone Calls in Android Studio (2:36)
120 Make a Phone call using ACTION_CALL in Android Studio (2:47)
121 How to use App Permissions in Android Studio (2:34)
122 What is Create chooser in Adriod Studio (4:06)
123 What is Android Intent putExtra () method in Andriod Studio (4:04)
124 How to use getIntent() method in Andriod Studio (3:19)
125 How to use getExtra() & getString() in Android Studio (4:49)
126 Android Studio Tutorial - Checkboxes in Android Studio (3:54)
127 isCheacked () method with Checkboxes in Android (5:21)
128 Activity Screen Orientation in Android Studio (2:21)
129 Screen Orientation in Android apps - Portrait & Landscape (4:56)
130 onConfigurationChanged () & ConfigChanges () methods in Android Studio (4:23)
42 What is R class file in Android
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